처음에 어떤 롤을 기대하고 입사하셨나요?
When I first joined, I expected my role to be primarily centered around data analysis and driving sales growth. I imagined it would be a very analytical position, where I would be handling similar tasks daily, with a strong focus on numbers and performance metrics. I didn't anticipate being heavily involved with the products themselves or gaining a broader understanding of the business beyond the sales aspect.
현재 어떤 업무를 담당하고 있나요?
After joining, I was actually surprised by the diversity of tasks that my role involved. I eventually was engaged in tasks which go beyond just data analysis and sales, allowing me to engage with various aspects of the business. I have had the opportunity to get to discover and grow a deep knowledge of our product offerings and also learn about the cosmetics industry as a whole. Additionally, I’ve been exposed to different roles within the company, which has given me insights into marketing and operations.
어떨 때 가장 성장했다고 느끼시나요?
When I first joined the company, my initial responsibility was managing partnerships that had already been established prior to my arrival. While this was a valuable experience, I found that my most significant growth occurred when I began launching new partnerships on my own. Being the first point of contact for these new partners brought a greater sense of responsibility, as I could directly see the impact of my decisions and actions. Although this was challenging, it was these very challenges that helped me grow and gain invaluable experience. Facing and overcoming these obstacles has been key to my professional development.
이 일을 어떤 성향의 사람에게 추천해 주고 싶으세요?
I believe that curiosity is a key trait for success in this role. Working in an industry that is constantly evolving with new trends and innovations requires a real interest in discovering and learning about new things. Moreover, since our work involves collaborating with foreign partners on a global scale, being curious about different cultures and ways of thinking is also crucial. It's important to be able to adapt and open-minded as these qualities makes it easier to explore diverse perspectives when it comes to work.